Posted by: Dennis | June 27, 2007

Building Flash CS3 components

Issue: Develop an ActionScript 3 component for Flash CS3 that resizes correctly and has a live preview.

To find the solution, first, I searched the documentation, and I got almost nothing. Just references to how to customize a component or how to export a SWC file, things I already knew. Then I googled it, only to find out that the new component architecture is now FLA-based. There were only a few pages about it and even less pages explaining how to actually build a FLA-based component (one of them was in japanese, so it was useless). This guy spender has a very good step-by-step tutorial of how to build a simple FLA-based component. But those steps are so annoying: edit-save-reopen flash-copy-edit-close-reopen… and so on. And this guy’s component extends UIComponent which adds another 10K to your published SWF. Where is the old-style export to SWC solution? If it exists (and yes, it’s still there), why is it so poorly documented? To me, the documentation seems a little misleading, it gives you the impression that the FLA-based components are the only components supported by Flash CS3. But this is not true!. The new features brought by the new FLA architecture are cool, but you don’t need them every time you build a simple component. If you are, for example, building your ActionScript application in Flex and want to use it as a Flash CS3 component (again, without the styling features), follow the old steps:

– write your actionscript class which will be the base component class in your favourite editor
– create a new fla file
– add a MovieClip symbol to the library, check Export for ActionScript and Export in first frame, in the Class textfield write the path to your component’s .as file, set the Base Class to the class extended by the previously mentioned .as file (actually flash.display.MovieClip will do in most cases).
– make sure your component class defines a public “setSize” method as it is the method used for live previewing. Add all resize handling there. (for more information check out the fl.livepreview.LivePreviewParent class)
– right click the symbol in the library, select component defenition, type in the name of the .as file again in the Class textfield, check “Display in Components panel”, click OK
– right click again > Export to SWC file > save to (for windows) Documents and Settings/$user/Local Settings/Application Data/Adobe/Flash CS3/Configuration/Components/MyComponent.swc
– create another FLA file, reload the components panel (a small button with an arrow pointing down below the x button)
– search (in the Components panel) for the name of the directory created in the previous step, drag and drop your new component

Here is the code I used to create a trivial component that has a rounded rectangle as the background and a textfield which tells the width and height of the component:

package { 

	import flash.display.Sprite;
	import flash.text.TextField;
	public class MyComponent extends Sprite	{ 

		private var _tf:TextField;
		private var _width:Number = 0;
		private var _height:Number = 0; 

		private var _background:Sprite; 

		public function MyComponent() {

		private function init():void { 

			_width = width;
			_height = height;
			scaleX = 1;
			scaleY = 1; 

			// remove the avatar

		private function createChildren():void { 

			_background = new Sprite();
			_tf = new TextField();
			_tf.autoSize = "left"; 


		protected function draw():void {;, 1);, 0, _width, _height, 10, 10);; 

			_tf.text = "w: " + _width + ", h: " + _height;
			_tf.x = Math.floor((_width - _tf.width)/2);
			_tf.y = Math.floor((_height - _tf.height)/2); 


		public function setSize(w:Number, h:Number):void {
			_width = w;
			_height = h;


simple AS 3 component


  1. Very nice article smackme. Very good work.


  2. Thanks mate!

  3. […] Tutorial FL CS3- Building Flash CS3 components Smackme wrote a very nice article regarding Flash CS3 components. The good thing on his article, is that he defines when should we use the new CS3 features to build the components and when should we use the old way (Flash 8 and bellow).Β To check the code and the full article click here. […]

  4. Wow, thanks for the posting. This is really helpful. I blog it to mine.

  5. I am happy to help the community πŸ™‚

  6. Hey m8, enough visitors??? Hope so. Post more articles like these, and i will make sure you will get more.

    All the best,

  7. Yeah, since you posted it on your blog, the numbers went crazy πŸ™‚
    I have plenty of article ideas (tips on component liquid layouts, skinning flex AS apps, E4X usage, UI components). I’ll defenetly post them in the nearest future. Right now I must take care of my diploma project 😐

  8. Good, first get graduated, then post your articles.

    Good luck m8.

  9. The old V2 way still works. No need for AS3 fla based way since you can create components as .fla library content as well (an NO need for SWC compiling). Including custom UI and installation through .mxp.

  10. PJ, I didn’t really get what you are trying to say

  11. […] tutorial on how to build fla-based components for Flash CS3 can be found here (FlashBrighton) and here (you should read the comments […]

  12. thank you for the tutorial, it work fine.

    I’have a question, how to get and use the properties defined in flash component inspector panel with this class ?

    thanks in advance

  13. @ Rik : Google for “Inspectable meta tag”, it’s the same for AS3 as it was for AS2. If you still can’t find anything good enough, get back here and I’ll give a nice and easy example.

    Best regards!

  14. I’ve been able to do all of the above, but once the new component loads in the Components panel, when I drag it onto the stage, nothing appears and the component doesnt appear in the library. Can anyone help? Thanks.

    • did you convert into swc file . once you will convert into swc it will so on library

  15. Never heard of such a problem before. If the component definition is valid than it should at least appear in the library once you drag it on stage or library. Double check everything and come back with a link to your files if it still doesn’t work.


  16. […] have described the steps to create a simple CS3 components here so I’ll just go on with the description of the classes. All the classes have a similar […]

  17. @smackme: It turns out, I was doing everything right, but there was a few lines of code it didn’t like. I tried to instantiate a custom class, and although the component compiled correctly, it wasn’t able to run properly, which explains why it wouldn’t import to the stage or the library. If I comment out the offending code, the component imports just fine, except that it doesn’t work right anymore. Are there any additional steps to use more than one custom AS class in a CS3 SWC component?

  18. @nerdabilly: You can use as many classes as you desire in a swc component. For example I have like 25 of them in one of my complex components. They all work well together becuas eone instantiates another and the compiler knows which one to import into the swc. My guess is that you have a class that is defined by a symbol in the library which doesn’t end up in the swc and that causes your problem. If it is so, than drop an instance of that symbol in your component’s first frame. That should solve it.

  19. […] just so this post hasn’t been a complete waste of your time, check this out for a great tutorial on creating SWC components in Flash […]

  20. @smackme: you’re right. It turns out that it wasn’t an issue of multiple classes, it was just an issue of some bad code in one of them.

  21. I get the error below when adding the component-code you wrote in your article. I am doing this on a mac. Do you think you could send me the exaple component and the .fla, so that I can find out what I am doing wrong?

    RangeError: Error #2006: The supplied index is out of bounds.
    at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/removeChildAt()
    at MyComponent/::init()
    at MyComponent$iinit()
    at Untitled_fla::MainTimeline/Untitled_fla::frame1()

  22. Sorry, my bad. I didnt realise that I had to draw something in the MovieClip before exporting it to SWC.

  23. Hi, thanks for what is a useful and time saving article.
    It worked fine for me. Now I’m trying to dispatch a custom component event (from within the draw method) with the dispatchEvent(new Event(“customevent”));
    and set a listener in an application, but I cant figure it out why the c1.addEventListener(“”customevent”,someHandler), where c1 is a component instance on the stage and someHandler is a custom function. it’s not working. Any idea ?

  24. @Bob: well it depends… what do you mean isn’t working? is it giving an error or simply does nothing? perhaps the event doesn’t get dispatched in the end

  25. There is no error, just simply does nothing. In the someHandler function there is a trace(“Event handler call”) that is never displayed. Any clue ?

  26. Find a way to show me the code, I’ll tell you what’s wrong.

    Is draw method ever called? Do you see the component on stage? πŸ™‚

  27. The code is the same as yours, having an import statement on top and a dispatchEvent(new Event(”customevent”));. The component is on the stage and works fine and the draw method is called.

  28. How to make component’s property accessible in the Component Inspector?

  29. Rik asked the same question!
    The answer is somewhere on this page πŸ™‚

  30. I have made a component for the test, using your code. In Flash all right. I create extension for Dreamweaver. For an insert of a component on page I use a command “dw.getDocumentDOM().insertFlashElement(‘MyComponent.swc’)”, in MXI file. At attempt to insert component Dreamweaver gives out the message ” The MyComponent Flash Element could not be found “. With Flash elements ActionScript 2.0, similar problems were not. Can you help me?

  31. I’m really sorry but I am not familiar with dreamweaver and DOM architecture

  32. hi, I read you article is great.

    10x man, I spend maybe 2-3 days for searching info for my own until find this. So again 10x
    I have 1 question, I make scrollBar, and have MCs in it with instance names. While I compile it I get this:

    1119: Access of possibly undefined property arrowR_mc through a reference with static type classes:scrollBarComponent.

    arrowR_mc is one of my MCs in it
    scrollBarComponent is my class in package classes. What I do wrong?

  33. hi,

    I read [b]public class LivePreviewParent[/b]

    Here what is written in it

    onResize(width:Number, height:Number):void
    Resizes the component instance on the Stage to the specified dimensions, either by calling a user-defined method, or by separately setting the width and height properties.

    I think it would be line setSize, but wtf it didn’t work.

  34. @ Stanislav:
    1. The best way to overcome this problem is adding your display object using the code (addChild())
    2. I don’t really understand what you are asking πŸ™‚

  35. 1. but they are already in the MC, and they have graphics in it. And how to add when they are undefined? Do I must init them like variables in class?

    2. I write function setSize, I was working in author environment. Next read livedocs about “LivePreviewParen”. There is written onResize(….
    So is like setSize, but it didn’t work, why?

  36. 1. Ok, so here is the deal: if you want to access the components you place on stage and give instance names to them, the first thing you try is create a member with the same name and find out that it doesn’t work. The thing is that by creating this member you overrite that property that would have givven you acces to arrowR_mc. Not defining anything and trying to access arrowR_mc won’t work either since the compiler doesn’t see any arrowR_mc defined in your component class and throws an error. The solution is accessing it through component_mc[“arrowR_mc”]. That you may store in an instance property and have further acceess to it. Hope it solves the problem.

    2. You were looking in the wrong place. Here is what you needed to see:
    “The LivePreviewParent class supports the definition of a setSize() method that uses width and height values to resize a component. If you do not define a setSize() method, this object sets the width and height properties individually.”. Which means that if your component doesn’t define a public setSize() method, it will resize and distort according to the new width and height. IF you define that method, it won’t resize, unless you explicitly tell it to, in the setSize() method.

    Have fun, make kids and love your wives! Amin πŸ™‚

  37. Your framework is pretty good. However its not efficient at all since it does not use invalidation. I could call setSize 100 times and it will redraw 100 times yet only get updated on the screen once. It is better to call invalidate when ill call draw on the screen update. Look at the documentation under Stage.invalidate().

  38. Flash CS3 bug?

    I built a component with a String Definition. This definition is automatically added to my Component Class’s variables. And it does, compiles correctly, and runs fine. But… it throws compiler errors from the Component’s Class file saying that the variable thats being defined in the Component’s Definitions, is undefined. Technically, it is undefined to the Class file document, but Flash should see that its a Component’s Class, check for the var in the component that it thinks is undefined, and if found, ignore it.

    Is this a Flash bug, or am I missing some sort of of Class to Component connection?

    I guess I could just ignore these compiler errors, but that a lot to ask πŸ˜‰


  39. hello smackme

    nice name, but i’ll refrain thanks

    so ive got flex builder 2 & flash cs3 (on mac osx) over here and i used flash cs3 with this very helpful article of yours to create a .swc in my components dir. it was all nice and worked great, thanks.

    the next idea was to start a new AS3 project in FB2 and use the ‘Add SWC…’ button of the ‘Library Path’ tab to add said SWC to my FB2 AS3 project. only when i hit OK and opened the new project I was instantly treated to an error msg that read:

    unable to load SWC SWCTest005A.swc

    do you think i am trying to do something that isn’t possible or just going about something the wrong way?

  40. […] References : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. […]

  41. to richard:
    Flex Builder’s ‘Add SWC’ feature is used mainly to add a shared class library, not visual assets.
    If you are trying to create a component in flash and use it in flex then you need to follow another tutorial. I can’t find it right now. I’ll post it as soon as i find it

  42. Can u tell me the way how can I write this to workable?:

    [Inspectable( type=”??????”, defaultValue=”Name of reference a TextField”, name=”textFieldLink”)];

    I just wanna plass a texfieldreferece for a component. How can I do that?

  43. I can’t get this componet live preview to work. If I put some graphics (sub MovieClip) inside MovieClip in component’s FLA, I can see it when instance component in container FLA (Authoring enviroment), but nothing about dynamicaly made graphics inside setSize(); and draw(); function.

    I hope you can help me πŸ™‚

  44. Hi guys,
    Thanks for posting your findings! I’ve been through the same shit the last months due to the lack of documentation. Check out this page:

    At the very end of the page you can find PDF downloads providing almost 120 pages of component creation information. Lot’s of it’s great, but the guy that wrote it is so knowledgeable that he tends to forget some very basic stuff. I found several “bugs” in the docs that will give readers a hard time. I got my component working now and I really do not want to sift through these 120 pages again to correct errors and omissions. It’s lot’s of gold here though, so make sure you check it out.

  45. […] Building Flash CS3 components (Smackme’s post) […]

  46. thanks for a great and informative article

  47. hi!!
    Very heplful article.
    Can i ask you another thingh?
    Is it possible to make a component and give the possibility to change the skin directly from the component inspector as a parameter?
    And is it possible to show the changing in runtime?

    i’m tring in this way but doesn’t work (the component show the skin changing only after compyling!!)

    protected override function draw():void
    trace(“entrato in draw”)
    if(skinName == null)
    skinName = getDefalutSkinName();

    if (skin == null)
    var classDef;
    trace(“entrato in blocco try”)
    catch (e:ReferenceError)
    //there’s no guarantee the try block will work
    //as the skin may be missing
    //in which case, abort!!!
    skin = new classDef as MovieClip;
    trace(“entrato in else”);
    skin = new classDef as MovieClip;

    skin.width = width;
    skin.height = height;

    [Inspectable(defaultValue=”BoxSkin”, type=String, name=”skin name”, variable=”skinName”)]
    public function get skinName():String
    return _skinName;
    public function set skinName(skinName_:String):void
    _skinName = skinName_;

  48. i’ve another question to ask.

    i declared some protected property:

    and the default value in the inspectable metadata,

    but if i don’t change the default value in the component inspector the default value isn’t setted and the variable value is null.


  49. Boxbuilder,
    Unfortunately I don’t have time to post new articles, it would definitely get on the list. One thing is for sure – what you are trying to achieve is possible

    I didn’t quite get the last question, would you please give a short example?

  50. first of all thanks for reply!

    for second sorry in advance for my terrible english.

    I’ve just resolved my previous problem
    But I’m still in trouble.

    I try to explane you wath i mean.

    I’ve develop a component that change skin at runtime (with livepreview) when the user set a skin parameter from the component inspector.

    I was able to do this, but…

    If the resource skin (movieClip) isn’t compiled in the live preview or in the swc file
    the asset isn’t displayed
    Now i want to make available for the user the possibility to change the component skin with a movieClip in library
    but since it does not compiled the live preview don’t show the result.

    I haven’t see any example of this, but i need these features because i’m trying to make a pysic component framework.
    I’ve a physic shape component that provide to add dynamically a pysic body to the shape. But if the shape is displayed as a boundingBox the user can not place the shape in the right way.

    I hope you understand me…


  51. Let me get this straight – you want to make your component use some assets from the library and see the changes on live preview?
    Haven’t tried it but I am not so sure it’s possible. You can load visual assets using server side scripts and see the changes in the preview, though.


  52. Hi All,
    Really great article for creating a component without extending UIComponent


  53. Can’t get your sample to work properly but I thought I would share this. It seems to be the same procedure as stated above, but with missing code

  54. greetings smackme,

    wanted to start by saying that your tutorial really got us off the ground as far as making oldschool->newschool components.

    One thing I’ve been having trouble with however: is there a way to get it so the constructor can accept params/args ? seems the panel in the component definition box isnt quite what it seems?

    — basically, when trying to turn a class into a component, i get the ‘expected 0 parameters’ type error, even though the code-level constructor is still ready for them.

    when it comes down to it, im just trying to just instantiate a class… but not reveal all of its juicy code to clients — is this more a job for compiled clip or…?


  55. Schurke,
    I don’t know if I got it correctly, but are you talking about the inspectable properties that appear in “Properties” panel of a custom component?

  56. not so much. basically, ive created a component that is a text based button. if i have it in the library of my project, i can access its constructor through code (whatever = new k_textButton() ) (as the goal is really just to be able to ‘hide a class’ in the fla to make it’s proprietary code difficult for the client to access). HOWEVER when i try to include arguments in the constructor… the constructor fails saying that it expected 0 parameters… so it -almost works- but not quite. works fine obviously for static-method classes and classes with no args in their constructors.

    — i may be totally crossing purposes here. my mates and i operate entirely code-based with nothing on the timeline… im wondering if ‘compiled clip’ is closer

  57. […] […]

  58. @Schurke: the way I see it, everything in your library (well, except the assets) is a movieclip, and the movieclip doesn’t allow any constructor parameters, hence the errors.
    You could create some accessor functions for the parameters you need, and set them after you instantiate your button. Redraw the component when a value is changed, and don’t forget to give it some default values.


  59. First of all, great article, so simple as opposed to that un-deciipherable UIComponent tutorial out there…!
    I’m building a component that will display an rss feed. all is well until i try to feed it with some xml as a parameter. i cant get it to read it… this is what i’ve done:

    [Inspectable(defaultValue=””, type=String, name=”XML Path”)]
    public function set path(p:String):void
    xmlPath = p;
    trace(“xmlPath = ” + xmlPath);

    this code is never called – i dont get to see the trace, let alone the call to handleXML().

    Any ideas?

  60. If everything else is correct, then upon changing the value of path property, the accessor function should fire and you should see the trace.
    Do you see any other trace (from other properties). May be you have “omit trace actions” checked πŸ™‚
    Post your code if nothing helps


  61. Here’s an interesting issue. Has anyone tried tweening an instance of one of these SWC components via the timeline? It doesn’t do anything. Even putting a component in different places, rotations, etc. in keyframes has no effect. What’s going on with that?

    Before anyone suggests it, I know that you can put the component in a MovieClip and move that. However, then my nice LivePreview screws up. The point of this project is to make some stretchable, tweenable components for some less code-savvy Flash folk. But if they can’t use the timeline with LiveView, then there’s no point.

  62. Hello smackme

    I am facing a problem with component development where my component contain other components. After pasting my fla file to Components folder, Flash shows other components which are used in my component. I tried your workaround but it doesn’t works for me. Could you please explain a bit on how not to display the default components which are used in my component.

    What I have done:
    I created a Component Shim for my component by
    1.creating a blank MovieClip
    2.naming its class as MyComponentShim
    3.then converted it to Compiled clip
    4. Rename as MyComponentShim
    5. Replace default Component Shim with the one I created above and then compile my component again.
    6. Paste it to Components Folder.

    Please help me with this. I don’t want to display the default components used by my Component.

    Looking forward to your response.

    Chetan Sachdev

  63. Where do the components appear? In the library?

  64. Great tutorial, thanks!

    Started to play with CS3 Fl components just yesterday. It is interesting that Adobe has fixed the way live preview behaves in develop-time, when the component is rotated: now the w and h values passed to setSize method are correct (NOT the width and height of the rotated bounding box of the component, but the width and height of the component regardless of the rotation).

    However, in runtime it’s all the same story, the w an h values are the bad-old-buggy ones. Just try it using your sample component – put it on stage, rotate, inspect the dev-time dimensions, then preview it in runtime. Is it just me, who thinks that the components should be normally rotateable via help of transform tool? Of course, I can put the rotation as a component parameter, but then I am forced to set also the w and h parameters, otherwise scaling it with the helkp of transform tool will mess it all up.

  65. @smackme
    Sorry, for my late reply. I get it rolling. Do you have any suggestion regarding which class to extend UIComponent, Sprite or MovieClip.

    Thank You

  66. Any chance of you posting up the source .as and .fla file for your test component? When I try to create a component with the source above in CS4, I get errors about “package” being invalid in ActionScript 2.0 – seems that I must be doing some tiny thing wrong, which is resulting in it trying to compile my source as AS2.

    Would be nice if you had the source .fla and .as up to troubleshoot issues like this. Thanks!

  67. Hi, Smackme

    Firstly thanks for this great article. I’ve made it run and it’s really simple just follow your steps above.

    But is still got confuse with ComponentShim and it seems not to be simple to implement. Can you explain more about it?

    thanks again.

  68. Eureka! I’ve done it! After seemingly endless trial and error, I finally succeeded at making an SWC-based component entirely with Flash CS3, and my own custom UI, all written in AS3. I’ve just posted a tutorial along with the source:

    Thanks “smackme” for your article posted here, which gave me a start. Getting the control panel to work seamlessly with the component, however, gave me plenty to chew on. Please have a look and let me know what you think!

    Unfortunately, the I was unable to solve was the rotation bug described above. And, regarding another issue described above, it appears that components can not be tweened on the timeline. At least not in CS3… maybe in Flash CS4?

  69. Thanks for the article. This is my first go at switching to AS3 component dev from AS2 in Flash. I’m not sure where I’m going wrong here, but your example doesn’t work for me.

    When I add the compiled swc to the stage, there is no preview, and it won’t allow me to set the width and height. Setting these values via the Property Inspector in Flash simply resets them. Compiling the swf then generates this error:

    RangeError: Error #2006: The supplied index is out of bounds.
    at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/removeChildAt()
    at MyComponent/init()
    at MyComponent()
    at flash.display::Sprite/constructChildren()
    at flash.display::Sprite()
    at flash.display::MovieClip()

  70. I obviously spoke too soon. After some experimenting, I discovered that you have to put *something* in the base MovieClip for the example to work. Drawing a rectangle in the first frame of the component clip fixed these issues, and now it’s up and running nicely.

    Thanks again for this quick (not 120 pages) tutorial.

    • I was struggling at first to make this example work. I really have to thank rollingsj for making it explicit that you have to put something in the movie clip to work. I wouldn’t have known without this comment!

      At any rate, nice article smackme! Informative and straight to the point!

  71. really this tutorial is great and fantastic

  72. Thanks for the putting the time in to create this tutorial. It was very helpful.

    One thing I forgot to do – which caused problems initially – was to save my .fla before I created my component. I walked through the tutorial again, saving my .fla first, then defined the component, and everything worked!

    Thanks again.

  73. Very helpful !! Thank you so much !!

  74. Hi Smackme

    I’am just wondering if you could spare me some time about tween and skinning a combo box using a UI componat and though dynamically/ prorammic action script…….In Action Script Flash 9 CS3…..

    Is there a tutorial or zip file containing .fla…to follow

    Thank You

    Mr H

  75. thanks for you post…. very help full… i also did the same as u did.. 1st read adobe live doc.. but didn’t found perfect solution what i was looking..than i got your blog’s url from google…
    once again thanks a lot..

  76. Hi Smackme,

    I got one error while importing that to another fla.

    “one or more files were not imported because there were problems reading them”.

    please help me to solve the issue.

    Midhun D

  77. hi,
    i was wonderful article thank you.
    I have one doubt regarding the MXP package development.

    If i am making a MXP it shows under the Standard Component. How can i make its having somthing like Video Component or a custome name.

  78. Very nice!!!

  79. Excellent tutorial!!!!
    I was trying to learn this from long time and i was in impression that it will be very difficult… But your tutorial changed my impression and today i made my first custom component w/o any senior’s help!!!… very nice tutorial…thanks yaar!!!!Just wanted to know how we can change component’s properties through “properties” panel (inspectable properties )..need tutorial like above tutorial… Thanks in advance…

  80. […] […]

  81. thanks for information articles. top

  82. […] 5. Building Flash CS3 components […]

  83. I’ve completed the test and it shows perfectly! Now to test out what else I can do.

    This is so perfect, and it’s amazing that Adobe don’t make this information available themselves. The article they do have for creating components on their site is RIDICULOUSLY huge – 29 GIGANTIC pages – a complete nightmare to read.

    Awesome – this is the best info I’ve found on the web all year! I’m almost feeling emotional πŸ˜‰

  84. One thing though – you do leave out the step to create a shim (movieclip) on frame one of the clip. This caught me out until I realised why the new component was coming up empty.

    Also, your list of points could do with being a) a numbered list and b) make the sub-points nested bulleted lists. Would be far easier to read.


  85. […] Components Learning Guide for Flash: Creating custom components Custom Parameter UIs for Components in Flash CS3 | BIT-101 Macromedia Flash – Creating components in Macromedia Flash MX Building Flash CS3 components – ActionScript 3, Flash, Flex Reflections […]

  86. Thanks for this piece of tutorial!
    Event after 4 years after you posted it, it is still the most helpful piece of info around πŸ˜‰


  87. Glorious weblog! I actually love how it’s simple on my eyes in addition to the details are properly written. I’m questioning how I may well be notified every time a brand new post has been made. I have subscribed to your rss feed which must do the trick! Have a nice day!

    • Thanks!
      I have stopped blogging quite a while ago; but yes, if anything pops and for some mysterious reason new posts would appear, the rss should the trick.
      Good day to you too!

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